7 Laws of Injury Rehabilitation

by Keith O'Malley-Farrell

Course Overview:

Keith O'Malley-Farrell brings you the most comprehensive injury rehabilitation course available online. There are combined seven and a half hours of video lessons of both theory of injuries and practical exercises videos that you won't find anywhere else.

This course has been building for 20 years. It has grown out of many many practical education courses and online courses, two university education programmes, 20 years of life & work experience, learning from some of the best physios with the British Military, professional sport and in private practices. Keith has unique experience in this field unpacking and reverse engineering rehabilitation programmes for many people with complex trauma injuries along with thousands of hours of standard acute strains and tears and chronic back injuries.

Course Outline;

This course teaches you Seven Laws you need to remember when understanding the intricate dance that needs to be played when recovering from pain and injury.

Understand the healing phases and how to be work backwards from the time of injury to where the injury should be on the recovery road, this will determine what can be done and what should be avoided.

This course teaches you how pain might dictate what a person can do or not to but how it doesn't reflect the severity of damage to the body.

You will learn important questions to get an understanding of when building a picture of what could be the problem and what certain answers mean.

For example;
What does it mean when pain is felt first thing in the morning when no activity has taken place during sleeping?
Why does pain come on when somebody is just sitting at their desk all day?
How can you tell the difference between pain that is due to an actual injury and chronic pain that has no specific reason?

The answers to these questions are crucial to know and what their implications are for how to rehabilitate injuries and continue training.

You will learn a fundamental initial assessment that should be done each time a new client or patient discusses some pain that they are feeling.

You will learn an advanced movement assessment that highlights a person's imbalances through movement, whether it's pain, stiffness, restriction one direction but not another, neurological deficits or poor balance and coordination, Keith has developed these movement drills over years from working with professional sports teams, the British Military an d the wider public for nearly 20 years.

Learn how to rehabilitate your own injury or take clients, whether it's in conjunction with a medical team or somebody working solo, you will learn;

1) The Early Stages rehabilitation principles and exercises, how to manage pain and which stretches and strategies can help reduce pain, reduce stiffness and increase mobility
2) The Early->Mid Stages where the pain has subsided and now the basic foundations of strength and coordination need to be laid to ensure robust rehab programme
3) The Mid->Late Stages Rehabilitation where exercises should start to become much more dynamic and begin to load the structures with weights and big movement patterns
4) The Final Stages of Rehab where the programme should become much more goal/sport/activity specific and involve heavier weights or resistance/dynamic movements/plyometric exercises
5) The Introduction of Chaos Stage; where the conversation will turn to making sure that the psychology surrounding the injury and the actual tissues are so robust they can deal with the unexpected movements/speed/velocity/impact from the external world.

Course Content:

Over seven & a half hours of videos teaching you THEORY AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES to rehabilitate:

Back Pain/Injuries ->

- Common forms of back pain and how to progress from floor exercises to dynamic core strengthening exercises.

Leg Injuries/Anterior Knee Pain ->

- How the biomechanics of the pelvis and the core can cause lower limb injuries and random knee pain.

Quad Tears ->

- Implement your knowledge of healing phases to rehab quad strains and tears.

Hamstring Tears ->

- Learn biomechanics during running and how to fix the most hamstring tears and make them more robust than before injury.

Knee Ligament Injuries ->

- MCL/ACL injury rehab. Learn The Lunge Matrix and what "The Empty Room Principle" is with exercises demonstrated to gradually stress and improve knee ligaments.

Calf Tears ->

- Learn how the biomechanics of the calf, ankle and hip work together to rehab and prevent re-injury.

Achilles Pain and Injuries ->

- How to rehabilitate a tendon and the specific bio-mechanical demands the achilles needs to endure to deliver high level performance.

Ankle Ligament Injuries ->

- Understand the most vulnerable position for the ankle and utilise your new knowledge of The Lunge Matrix Exercises, adapted for the ankle instability and sprains.

Shoulder Injuries ->

- Learn the connecting biomechanics of the shoulder and the trunk/spine together. From there learn how to target and activate the correct muscles to regain mobility, strength and power around the shoulder.


This course is the most comprehensive injury rehabilitation course available online and is a must to help clients with their pain or injury rehabilitation.

Course Preview

Nearly seven and a half hours of comprehensive injury rehabilitation lectures and exercises to give you the knowledge and expertise to help those with injuries or in pain.

1 Introduction to Pain

What is the difference between pain from tissue damage and pain when there is no diagnosed injury? What does it mean when pain is felt first thing in the morning when no activity has taken place during sleeping? Why does pain come on when somebody is just sitting at their desk all day? How can you tell the difference between pain that is due to an actual injury and chronic pain that has no specific reason? How is pain linked to psychological stress and anxiety?

2 Classifications of Injury & Tissue Healing

Learn how to describe the severity of injury, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 tears and sprains. The relevance of the severity of injury and the length of time tissues will take to heal. Understand the four stages of healing, Bleeding, Inflammation, Proliferation and Remodelling. Apply this knowledge into your understanding and rationalisation of pain and injuries and confidently create appropriate training & rehabilitation programmes around this.

3 Client's Pain or Injury Assessment

Learn how to structure your first conversation with people about their pain to give yourself the clearest possible picture of what their underlying problem might be. Understand the key questions to ask regarding how the injury or pain occurred, how long the initial swelling or bruising or pain was present, the pattern of pain, aggravating factors, what helps, what irritates it and what all this means for you to consider when understanding the problem. Learn what warning signs to look out for so you know what can be improved with your skill set and what you might need some specialist medical support with.

4 Movement Based Assessment

Learn a specialised simple movement based movement screening that you can perform with almost every client during their first session and how to interpret the patterns of movement you observe. Observe what your client's movement pattern is What is their pain or discomfort levels What is their balance or coordination What is their strength and capacity for work What mobilities or restrictions do they have

5 Practical Movement Based Drills

Practical Video of the specialised movement drills that you should take clients through during their first session and what exactly you you should be looking for during your observations. This 15-20 minute movement drill protocol is a go-to blueprint that you can put anybody through, anywhere and at any time with any client or patient. It can be adapted for high level athletes and those with lower levels of fitness and capacity. Use this movement drill protocol with each of your clients and begin to train your eyes to identify high and low quality movement patterns in people, Get a better understanding of people's pain and tolerance levels for certain movements & body positions Identify quickly and effectively when somebody has high or low coordination patterns and/or balance A quick and easy way to observe people's capacity to do work physiologically and aerobically without testing them on a piece of cardio equipment. Compare movement patterns and understand which anatomical structures might be weak or restricted and tight based on what you observe during this movement drill protocol.

6 Late Stage Rehab Warm Up Drills

Expanding on the Movement Drills Protocol from the previous video, this video will teach you how to use movement patterns as simple as; The Jump, The Jop and The Hop to test your late stage rehabilitation clients. This can be done as a warm up and also as a mental confidence builder for those athletes to need to start moving more dynamically for their sport or activity. Utilising the jump, jop and hop movement patterns forwards, backwards, lateral left and right and with rotations, we can structure and expand the basic movement drill protocol to fit any sport and and almost any lower limb injury rehab programme.

7 Back Pain Part 1 - Common Causes of Back Pain and Injury

Unlock the mystery of back pain and get a deep understanding of one of the most common causes of back pain due to the lower back and pelvic posture. Learn strategies to implement based on what you find with your clients and patients. Learn why and how we must first identify the cause of back pain, then remove the restriction and control the weak link. Improve your back health and that of your patient's or client's by understand the anatomy of poor posture and weak core strength and control. In this first part of the back pain lectures you will learn where to start with your exercises to help those suffering with back pain.

8 Back Pain Part 2 - How Sitting Changes How We Stand

Continue to deepen your understanding of back unlocking somebody's back pain through understanding the underlying cause and the anatomy involved in one of the most common postural causes of back pain. Understand the problems that sitting can cause our backs and how to go about fixing tightness in your hips and lower back that could be resulting in back pain. Get a thorough understanding of why our backs hurt when we are in a standing position after we have been sedentary at a desk, on the sofa or lying down overnight. Learn how to fix back pain and what to do if you are suffering back pain.

9 Back Pain Part 3 - Walking, Running, Jumping Pain

When we walk or run with back pain there are some occasions where that can cause us more problems and increase pain and injury. Learn how the movement of the legs can directly effect the pain in the lower back. Learn the anatomy of the lower back and pelvis and how if we don't do the correct stretches and core exercises, we can weaken the vertebrae's and intervertebral discs when we walk and run and put them under extra stress. What to do to improve our back and hip mobility to reduce pain. What muscles we need to focus on and how to improve strength and reduce our lower back pain Improve our coordination patterns and neurological communication from the lower back to the brain to reduce pain.

10 Back Pain Practical Exercises for Early Stage Rehab

Learn specific stretches and mobility exercises to increase mobility around the hip and lower back areas to reduce pain Learn special techniques using the client's own finger pressure for feedback on the transverse abdominis muscle to ensure the correct muscles are activating when starting out with people suffering with back pain. Understand why we must ensure that transverse abdominis is activated and not internal or external obliques when it comes to laying the foundations for optimal core stability and strength. These floor based exercises are suitable for anybody suffering with back pain to begin a very low intensity exercise programme and help them lay the foundations for future strength improvements. Supine Trans Ab Activation Using Feedback and Breathing Techniques Supine Single Leg Hip Extension Patterns with Trans Ab Activation and Breathing Techniques Supine Double Leg Hip Extension Patterns with Trans Ab Activation and Breathing Techniques

11 Back Pain Practical Exercises for Mid-Stage Rehab

An effective back rehabilitation programme gets people up from the floor as early as possible moving towards more dynamic core strengthening exercises. This video teaches you exercises that connect the basic floor based core-activation exercises to moving into isometric plank positions, dynamic plank holds, swiss ball core activation through the transverse planes. The Anti-Rotation Plank with Foam Roller - Foam Roller Forward Taps - Foam Roller Side Taps - Foam Roller Walk Backs - Knee Lifts - Side/Upward Toe Lifts - 4 Point -> 3 Points Control - Bear Crawl Steps - Elbow Push Ups - Glute Activations Variations

12 Back Pain Practical Exercises for Late/End-Stage Rehab

Building your client's confidence in their own strength and ability and keeping their back's strong and robust will require some heavier equipment and a deep understanding of what movement patterns to always include in somebody's programme as they keep their back's pain and injury free while they train for their weight loss goals, sport or activity! This videos explains why would use the following exercises as a fundamental part of a strength programme Cable Rotations Paloff Press with foot placement variations Back Extensions with thoracic variations Side Flexion Options and Variations Jefferson Curls Loaded Carries Variations Overhead Holds

13 Lower Limb Injuries - Introduction

An introduction to common causes of lower limb injuries and how common injuries to the hip, knee pain, quad, hamstring or calf tears can arise. What to do when leg/knee/hip pain has been preventing somebody from exercising and how to approach a rehabilitation programme. What to look during your assessment with clients reporting with leg injuries Where to start with specific types of pain and injuries, what stretches to start with, what movement patterns to assess and what kind of programme you should be thinking about. How to identify tight and weak muscles of the lower leg What to do with poor movement patterns, inefficient coordination, balance and body awareness/control.

14 Hamstring Injuries & Rehab Exercises

Learn common reasons for a hamstring to strain or tear What are the ideal running bio-mechanics and an effective rehab programme should be directed in athletes both professional and recreational sports people recovering from hamstring tears. Understand why we need hip mobility and core strength to help prevent hamstring strains and tears when running. What are the ideal type of strengthening exercises for rehabilitating hamstring injuries but also making hamstrings much more robust and injury proof moving forward. Learn how to identify when it is good to stretch the hamstring and when we should stretch the hips instead when we feel restricted in our hamstrings. Learn low level exercises and high level hamstring strengthening exercises back by science to create super robust and strong hamstring fascicle length.

15 Anterior Knee Pain

What is anterior knee pain? What you do when a client tells you they have pain in their knee and it hurts when they squat or lunge? How you can start to understand the difference between actual structural damage of the cartilage in the knee or if their is just a chronic pain pattern from the nervous system Once you can make this distinction, what to do next, best practice for sending off to a medical centre for further assessment or how to use exercises to reduce the pain and increase the range of motion at the knee. This could be the most important lesson of the entire talk since knee pain is so common with people doing too much exercise too soon or too much exercise for too long. Learn the difference in signs and symptoms between actual tissue damage in the knee and chronic pain signals throughout the nervous system involving the knee.

16 Low-Level Exercises Quad Injuries/Anterior Knee Pain

Practical Exercise Video demonstrating and explaining the rationale behind exercises for those suffering with very sensitive knee pain where range of movement is very reduced and.strength is very low. - Quad Sets - VMO Step Downs - Glute Bridges with variations - Clamshells, Hip Abductions, External Rotation Variations - Band Resisted Side Walks with variations - Slow Sit->Stand Fundamental Box Squat - TRX Assisted Squat - TRX Assisted Pistol Squat - Lunge with variations - Bulgarian Split Squats variations

17 High-Level Exercises Quad Injuries/Anterior Knee Pain

Practical Exercise Video demonstrating and explaining the rationale behind exercises for late stage knee injury rehab. For those who are not necessarily still in pain but need to continue strengthening the muscles of the hip and thigh to prevent a reoccurrence of their old knee pain. Very important to be able to understand and explain when people are back to strength training that what they are doing is with deliberate intent and specific purpose, this video explains that intent and purpose. - Kettlebell Goblet Squats - Kettlebell Sumo Squats - The Hinge - Kettlebell R.D.L. - Banded Quad Sets - High Knee - Straight Leg Stand Ups - Peg Leg Step Ups - Arabesques with variations - Trap Bar Deadlifts

18 MCL/ACL Acute Knee Injuries

Did you know that you target ligaments and put them under stress with pin point accuracy during a rehabilitation programme instead of random balance exercises? This part of the course will teach you considerations for Medial Collateral Ligament & Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in the knee. How to firstly identify that there has been an acute injury that may need medical attention before the client can embark on a rehabilitation programme. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING to understand is the most vulnerable position for the knee to be in that stress the MCL & ACL is valgus, flexed and relative external rotation and with this it will give you the confidence to work and stress the knee in ways that targets the specific ligaments from a minimal stressful position to a high stress position. This will give you the tool kit to gradually progress a ligament injury rehab programme with pin point accuracy measurably not just conducting random balance exercises with instability boards and balls and hoping the ligament's proprioception is increased.

19 Lunge Matrix Exercises Lower Limb Ligament Injuries

Learn a unique concept called The Empty Room Principle with which you can build a rehabilitation programme around using just a lunge variation in a multitude of directions with the understanding of what is the most vulnerable position for the ligament's stress levels. This principle builds on moving from the least vulnerable position towards the most vulnerable to pin-point the stress and overload to a specific ligament. With specific positions in mind you can direct the body and joints through a variety of lunge directions to increase the stress and increase the overload on the ligament as the weeks pass by. There is a strong chance you will not find this way of rehabilitating ligament injuries outside of high level university programmes.

20 Calf Muscle, Achilles and Ankle Ligament Injuries

Understand the unique biomechanics of the foot that creates one of the most dynamic structures of the human body and arguably in all of nature. With the foot evolved for both two leg standing and for single leg propulsion during running, a deep understanding of the biomechanics of how it moves during walking and running is crucial to identify what is going wrong causing pain and injury. This lecture will give you a basic but thorough understanding of the biomechanics of the foot and the structures that control optimal movement patterns. From there you will a deep knowledge of how we can get pain and injury to the calf muscle and achilles tendon. What is the most vulnerable position for the ankle to be in before somebody might suffer a common ankle sprain and what we need to consider when building a rehabilitation exercise programme to prevent future re-injury.

21 Exercises for Calf, Achilles and Ankle Ligament Sprains

What should you do when somebody reports a calf or achilles injury and what exercises will work best to rehabilitate the posterior lower leg structures in relation to their biomechanics. Learn the delicate balancing act between the basic concept of how we must load a tendon in order for it to heal properly before it gets too late but at the same time not loading it too much that it causes it further pain and damage. Using the unique concept called The Empty Room Principle, you can build a rehabilitation programme around using just a lunge variation in a multitude of directions with the understanding of what is the most vulnerable position for the ankle ligament's stress levels. This principle builds on lunging from the least vulnerable position towards the most vulnerable to pin-point the stress and overload to a specific ligament. With specific positions in mind you can direct the body and joints through a variety of lunge directions to increase the stress and increase the overload on the ligament as the weeks pass by.

22 Shoulder Injuries

When rehabilitating a shoulder injury it is important to understand the anatomy of the shoulder girdle and how it moves in relation to the upper body and rib cage. Understanding the unique biomechanical relationship between the flexion and extension and the trunk and the accessory movement of the shoulder blades will unlock the secret to create rock solid stability of the shoulder joint that is naturally built for more movement and less stability. With the understanding of how the shoulder blades track up and down along the thorax during flexion and extension will give you the fundamental expertise that to strengthen and stabilise the shoulder for almost any shoulder injury we must first re-coordinate the movement patterns through dissociation exercises of both the shoulder and the upper body.

23 Early Stage Exercises For Shoulder Injuries

This video teaches specific early stage exercises to reduce pain, increase range of motion around the shoulder, mobilise it and build a foundation of strength and stability. With the foundational knowledge of how the shoulder blade tracks along the rib cage during flexion and extension of the trunk we can begin to connect the deeper understanding behind why we would select specific exercises to help mobilise and strengthen the shoulder along with core activation and dissociation exercises.

24 Late Stage Exercises for Shoulder Rehab

This video teaches specific late stage dynamic rehab and strength building exercises to make the shoulder strong, mobile and robust. With the foundational knowledge of how the shoulder blade tracks along the rib cage during flexion and extension of the trunk we can begin to connect the deeper understanding behind why we would select specific exercises to help strengthen the shoulder and lock into place on the back of the rib cage enabling increased force production and strength developments

25 Conclusion

Wrap up this lecture series with a recap of the key concepts, The Seven Laws of Injury Rehabilitation Training. Finishing with the key concepts of how to distinguish actual tissue damage from pain and sensitivity from a sympathetic nervous system.

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Course Info

Mar 24, 2024
$ 249.00


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