Anatomy of Movement - Certified REPs Course

by Keith O'Malley-Farrell

Part 1: Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

  • The cell, the structure and function and how the body is interconnected with Matt Cotterill
  • Brief overview of each of the predominant systems of the body
  • How our nervous system controls how the body moves, thinks and feels
  • How our body regulates the heart and lungs & fights off infection and expels infections through our lymphatic system 
  • How our endocrine system regulates the body over all through it's glands and hormones and enables the body communicate
  • Structure of Bone and stages of Bone growth
  • Classifications of Joints & Muscle
  • Integumentary System

Part 2: Lower Limb Anatomy & Movement 

  • The Pelvic Girdle - Hip Joint - Knee Joint - Proximal and Distal Tibio-fibular joints
  • The primary joints of the Ankle and in the Foot
  • Articulating surfaces, joint capsules and the different characteristics surrounding the synovium of each joint
  • Learn the ligaments, the structure and function at each joint and most vulnerable position to injury
  • Muscle Origins and Insertions at each joint
  • The structure and function of the arches of the foot

  • You will learn the origins and insertions of each of the muscles listed below; Hip Extensors, Hip Flexors, Hip Adductors, Hip Abductors, Lateral Rotators, Knee Extensors, Knee Flexion, External & Internal Rotation of the Tibia, Ankle Plantarflexion & Toe Flexion, Ankle Dorsiflexion & Toe Extension, Evertors and Invertors of the Foot

Part 3: Upper Limb Anatomy & Movement 

  • The Pectoral Girdle - Sternoclavicular & Acromioclavicular Joint - Glenohumeral Joint - Elbow Joint - The Proximal & Distal Radio-Ulnar joints
  • The primary joints of the Wrist, the hand and the fingers and thumb
  • At each of articulating surfaces, joint capsules and the different characteristics surrounding the synovium of each joint.
  • Learn the ligaments, the structure and function at each joint and most vulnerable position to injury
  • Muscle Origins and Insertions at each joint

  • You will learn the origins and insertions of each of the muscles listed below; Shoulder Protraction, Shoulder Retraction, Shoulder Elevation, Shoulder Depression, Rotator Cuff, The Deltoids, Rotation/Adduction, The Elbow Flexors, The Elbow Extensors, Wrist Pronators, Supinators, Wrist Flexors, Wrist Extensors, Thumb Muscles, Muscles Acting on the Fingers

Part 4: Trunk Anatomy & Stability

  • The specific characteristics of the different levels of the spine, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, how and why the differ in size, shape and function.
  • Sacroiliac joint from articulating surfaces to the strong ligaments stabilising the joint.
  • Origins and Insertions and actions of the "core" muscles acting to stabilise and control movement of the Lumbar Spine, the Thoracic and Cervical Spine
  • The key features of the thorax, thoracic spine, rib cage, costovertabral articulations, breathing mechanisms and origins and insertions of muscles acting on the thorax.

Introduction to Anatomy Preview

Intro P2 - The Cell

Learn more about the cell, the structure and function of the cell and how the body is interconnected not just seperate individual building blocks, with Matt Cotterill

Intro P3 - The Nervous System & Cardio-Respiratory System

How the nervous dictates how the body moves, thinks and feels by acting as the control system of the body from the brain through the spinal cord to the peripheries and how the lungs heart and blood stream deliver nutrients around the body

Intro P4 - Lymphatic System & Endocrine System

Learn how the body regulates the health of the blood stream, fights off infection and expels infections through our lymph nodes.

Intro P5 - Digestive, Urinary & Reproductive System

Learn how the cells form together and form the system that enables us absorb nutrients from our food and liquids and links to our blood stream to deliver the nutrients.

Intro P6 - Skeletal System

Functions of The Skeletal System and how our skeletal has evolved to protect, support, move and store nutrients for our better survival.

Intro P7 - Classification of Joints

Understanding how each joint is classified differently from their shape, congruency and articulations. From fused joints, to irregular joints to synovial joints.

Intro P8 - Muscular System

Learn the structure and function of muscles, how they contract at a cellular level with the Sliding Filament Theory explained, concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions.

intro P9 - Integumentary System

Learn how the skin forms our outer protective layer, the components f the integumentary system, the layers of the thick and thin skin explained and how the skin functions to absorb nutrients and excretes waste and enable us sense the environment around us and our experience with pressure temperature and pain.

Lower Limb Anatomy Introduction

An introduction to everything you will learn in this lower limb anatomy of movement workshop! Taught by Keith O'Malley-Farrell

Lower Limb - Pelvic Girdle

Starting at the Pelvic Girdle, the area where the lower limb articulates with the appendicular skeleton, or in simple terms, the torso.

Lower Limb - The Hip Joint

Learn the articulating surfaces, the boney landmarks, the acetabulum of the hip, the labrum of the hip, the hip capsule and it's insertion points, the ligaments of the hip joint and it's special characteristics like it's bursae.

Lower Limb - Muscles Acting on The Hip

Arguably the most important muscles to how to rehabilitate poor posture and back pain, not to mention how to improve strength and power outputs of the glutes and core.

Lower Limb - Muscles Acting on the Knee Joint

Lower Limb P5 - Muscles Acting on the Knee Joint Learn the anatomical movements of the knee joint, the origins and insertions of the muscles that control those movements.

Lower Limb - The Knee Joint

Understand the structures surrounding the knee joint that can get injured and give yourself an in-depth understanding of how to rehab for knee injuries, how to fix cartilage problems and how to strengthen after knee ligament tears. Also learn what is the ACL and why does the ACL take so long to recover after injury.

Lower Limb - Bones & Joints of The Lower Leg

The structure and function of boney landmarks of the Tibia, Fibula and the bones of the foot. And understand what causes shin splints and what is MTSS.

Lower Limb - Talocrural Joint

What is the true ankle joint made up of that gives us the stability and instability and understand why our ankle ligaments are at often injured and how to rehabilitate our ankles after an injury.

Lower Limb - The Accessory Joints of the Foot

Understand how the biomechanics of the foot move at the Subtalar Joint and the Midtarsal Joint as the foot an ankle impact the ground.

Lower Limb - Muscles Acting Over the Foot & Ankle

Understanding which muscles make up the calfs and how they cause the ankle to plantarflex and which muscles cause the foot and ankle to Dorsiflex, combined the minute movements that occur further along the distal joints of the foot as a result of the origins and insertions of these muscles

Lower Limb Recap & Conclusion

Rewind briefly over everything you have learned so far on your journey to a much deeper understanding of the human body anatomy and movement, in this case with the lower limb.

Upper Limb Anatomy Preview

Upper Limb - Bones of the Pectoral Girdle

Learn more about the sternoclavicular Joint and Acromioclavicular Joint. Learn how the arm connects to the body and how we can rehab the shoulder ligaments when injured

Upper Limb - Movements of The Pectoral/Shoulder Girdle

Understand how the human shoulder is so dynamic and built for movement at the expense of stability and what muscles move the shoulder in the shoulder joint and how we can improve them.

Upper Limb - The Glenohumeral Joint

Understand the structure and function of the Glenohumeral Joint, how shoulder stability is crucial for its dynamic function and strength and stability.

Upper Limb - Muscles Acting on the Shoulder Joint

Learn what muscles flex your shoulder, what muscles extend your shoulder and what muscles abduct and what are the rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder

Upper Limb - Elbow & Radio-Ulnar Joints

Learn the anatomical make up of the elbow and why the elbow rarely dislocates. Understand the make up of the forearm how the bones of the wrist move.

Upper Limb - Muscles Acting on the Elbow Joint

Learn exactly which muscle bends the elbow when the wrist is turned in different positions, which muscles extend the elbow and which are dominant in different hand positions.

Upper Limb - Bones of The Hand

What are the names of the different bones in the hand? Learn the answer to this question and also how the bones articulate with each other and make the joints of the hand and the thumb.

Upper Limb - The Wrist & Joints of The Hand

Learn about how the wrist moves specifically in relation to the muscles that make up the forearm and wrist, understand how the bones of the wrist and hand articulate together and give us the function we often take for granted.

Upper Limb - Joints of The Hand

Learn how the bones in the hand articulate with each other, the types of joints in the hands and the names given to the joints of the palm, the thumb and the palm of the hand and the fingers and the palm as well as the joints commonly referred to as the knuckles, the special features like the volar plates of the fingers, and what can happen when we dislocate our fingers.

Upper Limb - Movements of The Fingers

Learn about the muscles that live in your forearm that control flexion of your wrist and the fingers. Understand the unique anatomy of the flexors of the fingers and how our hands achieve very fine precision movements.

Trunk Anatomy Introduction Preview

Introduction to anatomy of the trunk and what you will learn when you enrol on this trunk online anatomy course

Trunk Anatomy - Spinal Column Overview

Discussing the different sections of the spine, what makes up the cervical spine, what makes up the thoracic spine and how the ribs play their part, and what are the special characteristics of the lumbar spine and the sacrum

Trunk Anatomy - Types of Standing Postures

Understand what lordosis is, what kyphosis is and what scoliosis is and how poor posture affects how we move and if we are vulnerable to feeling pain and or discomfort.

Trunk Anatomy - Lumbar Spine & Facet Joints

Learn the basic fundamental break down of the lumbar spine vertebral bones and how their shape inis derived from the need to bare the load of the upper body and how that determines a lot of the function of the lower back.

Trunk Anatomy - Anatomy of the Vertebral Colum

Learn the fundamental anatomyand the difference in anatomy of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx. How this anatomy determines the function and movement and stability at each of the different segments of the spine.

Trunk Anatomy - The SacroIliac Joint

Learn the underlying articulating surfaces between the sacrum and the ilium and the ligaments that surround this joint giving it its very strong and stable function.

Trunk Anatomy - Pelvic Floor Overview

Learn the anatomy of the pelvic floor so you can better speak with your clients about the implications of a weak pelvic floor and the adverse effects that can have on our well being

Trunk Anatomy - Lower Spine Movement & Stability

Understanding the movement and stability available at the lower spine through the vertebral column and the muscles that encapsulates the area, delivering both movement and stability of our core musculature.

Trunk Anatomy - The Rib Cage

Understanding the basic anatomy of the rib cage and how that effects our respiration and breathing mechanisms, very important to understand when teaching clients how to learn to breath properly.

Trunk Anatomy - Intercostals & Muscles of Respiration

Learn the mechanics & which muscles work when we breath in and exhale

Trunk Anatomy - Muscles of the Cervical & Thoracic Spine

Which muscles work to give us movement of the neck and the middle back

Trunk Anatomy - Intrinsic Muscles of the Neck & Thorax

Trunk Anatomy - The Joints and Range of Movements about the Spine

Trunk Anatomy Conclusion

Congratulations! This concludes our anatomy and physiology of Movement Course...

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Course Info

Mar 24, 2024
REPs South Africa
All levels
$ 249.00


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